What is the 1341 Small Indestructible Pipe Bell?

What is the 1341 Small Indestructible Pipe Bell?

Birds love pipe bells for their pleasant ringing sounds and fun vibrant colors. Check out this tough and durable pipe bell for your small feathered friend.The 1341 Small Indestructible Pipe Bell is a small-sized pipe bell toy from Bonka Bird Toys. This brightly colored pipe bell will provide fun and amusement for any small bird in [...]
What are the 1642, 1643, and 1644 Stainless Steel Pipe Bells?

What are the 1642, 1643, and 1644 Stainless Steel Pipe Bells?

A shiny stainless steel pipe bell is sure to please your beaked pal! Take a look at the 1642, 1643, and 1644 Stainless Steel Pipe Bells from Bonka Bird Toys.The 1642, 1643, and 1644 Stainless Steel Pipe Bells are a series of pipe bell toys from Bonka Bird Toys. The shiny bells will ring nicely when your pet [...]
What is the 2001 Spoon Clacker?

What is the 2001 Spoon Clacker?

Small to medium sized pet birds can enjoy some shiny excitement and fun with the 2001 Spoon Clacker from Bonka Bird Toys. Check out the 2001 Spoon Clacker.The 2001 Spoon Clacker is a toy from Bonka Bird Toys. It is built with small to medium sized birds in mind. This is a durable, long-lasting toy with [...]
What is the 1929 Small Clacker?

What is the 1929 Small Clacker?

The 1929 Small Clacker has the shiny appearance and noisy sounds that small birds love. Delight your favorite feathered friend with the 1929 Small Clacker.The 1929 Small Clacker is a small bird toy that features stainless steel measuring cups and plastic acrylic pacifiers. The toy is hung from the top of the cage, and the various parts [...]
What are Some Natural Coconut Toys for Small Birds?

What are Some Natural Coconut Toys for Small Birds?

Hollowed-out coconuts are perfect for small birds needing a fun nesting area. We have some great natural coconut toys for small birds. Check out these toys.Some natural coconut toys for small birds are the 3195 Party Coco and the 2114 3 Hole Coco Hut. These toys are both built from hollowed-out natural coconuts. They are [...]
What is the 1914 Basket Swing?

What is the 1914 Basket Swing?

Small and medium sized birds can use the 1914 Basket Swing as a cool hangout spot. It dangles from the cage for extra fun. Check out the 1914 Basket Swing.The 1914 Basket Swing is a small basket with three colorful plastic chains that hangs from the top of a bird cage. It makes a nifty [...]
What is the 3640 Horsing Around from bonka bird toys?

What is the 3640 Horsing Around from bonka bird toys?

Get ready for a rootin’ tootin’ good time with the 3640 Horsing Around! It offers major chewing and pulling excitement. Giddy up with the 3640 Horsing Around!The 3640 Horsing Around is a chewing and pulling toy from Bonka Bird Toys. The one most noteworthy component of this toy is its small colored plastic rocking horses that [...]