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What perches are good for parrots? bonka bird toys

What perches are good for parrots? bonka bird toys

Stop the sore feet before it starts with appropriate and varied perching opportunities. No matter the size of your bird, providing a variety of sizes, textures, and materials for perching is critical to your parrot's long-term health. Parrots without proper perching can develop a condition known as bumblefoot, also known as pod dermatitis. Pod dermatitis occurs when [...]
What types of toys do birds like? bonka bird toys

What types of toys do birds like? bonka bird toys

One of the questions we hear from many parrot owners is, "What kind of toys are best for birds?" You've come to the right place if you're looking for bird toys! This blog post will discuss some of the best types of bird toys. Parrots are known for being intelligent animals, and they need plenty of stimulation [...]
Best foraging toys for parrots from bonka bird toys

Best foraging toys for parrots from bonka bird toys

Does your parrot forage for toys or treats? Foraging is a natural behavior and should be encouraged. Did you know Bonka Bird Toys carries stainless steel foraging buckets for everyone? Teaching your birds to forage is as easy as filling the bucket. Here are some recommended sizes and ideas to keep your bird from boredom. Bonka [...]