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What perches are good for parrots? bonka bird toys

What perches are good for parrots? bonka bird toys

Stop the sore feet before it starts with appropriate and varied perching opportunities. No matter the size of your bird, providing a variety of sizes, textures, and materials for perching is critical to your parrot's long-term health. Parrots without proper perching can develop a condition known as bumblefoot, also known as pod dermatitis. Pod dermatitis occurs when [...]
What types of toys do birds like? bonka bird toys

What types of toys do birds like? bonka bird toys

One of the questions we hear from many parrot owners is, "What kind of toys are best for birds?" You've come to the right place if you're looking for bird toys! This blog post will discuss some of the best types of bird toys. Parrots are known for being intelligent animals, and they need plenty of stimulation [...]
What are The best toys for your small bird?

What are The best toys for your small bird?

The Best toys for your small bird are the ones they use!  Suppose you have finches, grass parakeets, lovebirds, or cockatiels. Small birds, even finches and canaries benefit from toys and a great cage setup. We recommend materials that can are easy to rip and shred for these littles, like (Bonka Bird Toys 3450 Paper Shred). The texture [...]
1721 Round Basket a Good Toy for an African Grey Parrot?

1721 Round Basket a Good Toy for an African Grey Parrot?

Your African Grey Parrot will LOVE the 1721 Round Basket! There's plenty of paper for shredding to satisfy the nesting instinct. Find out more about this item.The 1721 Round Basket is delightful. From the quick link connector, a chain hangs down to the round bamboo basket which is filled with colorful shredded, crinkly paper. On either [...]
Is The 3488 Cake Party a Good Option For a Galah Cockatoo?

Is The 3488 Cake Party a Good Option For a Galah Cockatoo?

The 3488 Cake Party is an excellent shreddable toy for a Galah Cockatoo. Continue reading to learn more about this multi-color, multi-level shred-a-ganza!The 3488 Cake Party has a quick link connector with a bird-safe wire hanging down. There is a horizontal wire bisecting the vertical one, forming a cross. These wires support a crinkly, shredded-paper-filled vine ball [...]
Is the 1505 Duo Spoon Bobble a Good Toy For a Cockatoo?

Is the 1505 Duo Spoon Bobble a Good Toy For a Cockatoo?

The 1505 Duo Spoon Bobble is one of the more durable toys available. If your cockatoo enjoys making noise, then this toy offers a lot of clang for your buck!The 1505 Duo Spoon Bobble is an exciting toy. From a small quick link connector, hangs a metal loop. A metal chain hangs from it, passing through [...]
Will A Pionus Parrot Enjoy The 3630 Star Step?

Will A Pionus Parrot Enjoy The 3630 Star Step?

Any parrot will love the 3630 Star Step. It offers climbing and chewing options galore with multiple elements. Check out the ultimate toy for avian enrichment.At the top, the 3630 Star Step has a quick link connector and ring. Three (3) pieces of plastic cord hang from the ring, then pass through a wooden ball and [...]
What is the 826 Block Tower by Bonka Bird Toys?

What is the 826 Block Tower by Bonka Bird Toys?

The 826 Block Tower is a devilishly fun toy for your medium-sized bird. It has wooden elements, rope, and multiple bright colors. Learn about this great toy.The 826 Block Tower has a quick link connector and a chain that passes down through the entire toy. It has a wooden block with cotton rope or sisal [...]
What is a good toy for a Cockatoo?

What is a good toy for a Cockatoo?

A good toy for a Cockatoo is one that's durable and can be interacted with. Cockatoos are very intelligent and energetic birds. Learn which toy is right for your bird.Cockatoos are affectionate, lively, inquisitive, intelligent, energetic birds. Many Cockatoos enjoy playing rough with toys with their large powerful beaks are one of the strongest bites [...]
What is a good toy for an African Grey from bonka bird toys?

What is a good toy for an African Grey from bonka bird toys?

African Grey parrots enjoy toys that they are able to chew, swing on, climb on and puzzles where treats can be discovered. Learn which toy is right for you!An African Grey parrot can safely use everything from foraging and chewing toys to large swing toys. An owner should look for toys made of quality and [...]
What is the best selling bird toy from bonka bird toys

What is the best selling bird toy from bonka bird toys

One of our best selling bird toy is the 1839 Foraging Star! This toy is best for small to medium size birds because of its in between size not too big not too small. The 6inch by 6inch structure and employs multiple bird enjoying functions.                      [...]
Bonka Bird Toys
What is the best Parrot toy from bonka bird toys parrot toy?

What is the best Parrot toy from bonka bird toys parrot toy?

One of the best toys for a pet Parrot is the 1938 Paci Pull. This is an entertaining chain thread toy that your parrot will greatly enjoy.The 1938 Paci Pull is a plastic play ball toy with a threaded chain going through it and bright multi colored rings as well as a bell in the center. The [...]
Bonka Bird Toys