2469 Pk 100 Tube Beads


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3 + 10% off
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12 + 20% off
$4.99 USD

The 2469 Pk100 Tube Beads from Bonka Bird Toys are a versatile and colorful product that can be used in various ways. Whether for DIY projects or as toys for your bird's cage, these tube beads are designed to engage your bird and encourage an active lifestyle. Measuring approximately 1 inch in length and about 0.25 inches in height and width, they seem to be a suitable size for birds to interact with. Overall, these tube beads offer an opportunity for both entertainment and stimulation for your bird. They can be used creatively in DIY projects or simply tossed around in the bird's cage to promote physical activity and mental engagement.

  • Craft parts and foot toys are especially great for baby birds across all size categories.
  • Providing foot toys promotes good foot agility and is an excellent outlet for fun inside and outside the cage.
  • DIY parts giving you unlimited uses.
  • Bonka Bird Toy designs use a diverse selection of stimulating bird-safe materials to ensure pet birds' mental and physical well-being.
  • 100% eco-friendly and bird-safe.