The Kings Cages SLT4 2217 is a good fit for a cockatiel as well as many other small bird species. Keep reading for more on this excellent small birdcage.
The Kings Cages SLT4 2217 is from their superior line. The top opens into a playpen. It has an additional fold-down front "porch" for your bird's enjoyment. The large front door has a bird-proof lock. Bar spacing is 7/16 inch (1.1cm) and bar thickness is 3 mm. Has a new, removable seed catcher.
This beautiful cage has so many wonderful features, to list them all is almost unseemly, but we'll list them anyway! The SLT4 2217, in addition to the features listed above also offers predominantly vertical bars on the front and back, with an emphasis on horizontal bars on the sides. This is important as different bird species prefer different bar orientation for their climbing activities. Whether your bird prefers horizontal or vertical bars, this cage has you covered! Oh, and all of the bars on this beauty are welded.
When it comes to feeding, the Kings Cages SLT4 2217 has three (3) swing out feeder doors with three (3) stainless steel cups with no nipples. This marvel has a removable seed catcher which, when installed adds three (3) inches all the way around the bottom of the cage. The seed catcher redirects all of the detritus it catches down to the removable bottom tray for easy cleaning.
The dimensions on the SLT4 2217 cage are 22 inches (55.8cm) Wide by 17 inches (43.18cm) Deep by 63 inches (1.6m) High with an inside cage height of 36 inches (.91m). The removable tray is 21 3/8 inches X 16.1/2 inches X 1/1/4 inches (54.3cm X 41.91cm X 3.175cm) and the removable bottom grill is 21 3/8 inches (54.3cm) X 16 5/8 (42.2cm). This cage has 7/16-inch (1.1cm) bar spacing and 3mm bar thickness. Two (2) wooden perches are included.
The large front cage door features a new patented bird-proof lock. This door provides ample room for you to remove and return your companion bird with a minimum of anxiety for either of you. Your pet bird won't have to stoop in order to fit comfortably through the door. Above the large front door is another arched opening. This flip-down door can be opened to act as a front porch that your companion bird can sit on and watch everything that goes on. This will help your little feathered friend feel like they are a part of the flock. Promoting this feeling of inclusion reduces anxiety, and makes for a happy companion bird.
The main attraction on the Kings Cages SLT4 2217 is the domed top that opens into a play area. One of the wooden perches can be seated between the two (2) opened portions of the top, providing an excellent perch for your little king or queen of the bird world. Perch height is an important part of your companion bird's sense of self, and of security, so this perch may help to make a more timid bird feel empowered.
Rounding out the bottom of this cage are the four (4) sturdy double legs, with an EZ Roll caster on the bottom of each. These casters allow you to easily move the cage, either to position it away from a wall for a thorough cleaning, or to move your feathered friend from one area of the house to another. This cage knocks down for compact storage when necessary. It comes in a variety of colors, including Black/Silver, Grey/Silver, Sandstone, Coppertone, and White. As with all Kings Cages, the SLT4 2217 has a superior powder-coated finish, which will last twice as long as cheap painted finishes. The powder coating is more durable, more beautiful, and safer for your companion bird.