Chewy and all-natural, the 2036 Rainbow Sola, 1288 Sola Stick without bark and 1211 Sola Sticks with bark 6-packs are irresistible. Check them out below!

Sola plants are native to the tropics of southeast Asia and have long been used for crafting. 2036 Rainbow Sola brings a colorful taste of the tropics. 1288 Sola Stick without bark and 1211 Sola Stick with bark provide a chewable foot toy or a fantastic addition to any toy making project.

Versatility is the name of the game when it comes to the Sola plant. Countless crafts have been made from this plant in its native regions. It also just so happens that the inner pith and thin outer bark are absolutely irresistible to birds. So first we offer the colorful 2036 Rainbow Sola. Here we have a stack of sola sticks that are all vibrantly colored with bird-safe dye, sturdily strung together with a metal wire. This set up allows all of the sticks to be individually rotated as your feathered friend climbs and plays. With entertainment in mind, this tantalizing stack is finished off with a small bead-adorned bell at the bottom, bringing both audible and textural stimulation to brighten any birds day. 2036 Rainbow Sola hangs at 10 inches tall by 3 inches wide.

2036 Rainbow Sola

2036 Rainbow Sola

Feeling creative? Or maybe your feathered friend enjoys simple foot toys. Then the 1288 Sola Sticks Without Bark or the 1211 Sola Sticks With Bark are the answer. Light and chewy, these 4 inch longs sections of the Sola plant feel great for a birds feet to grasp and toss about. Coming in packs of 6, there are also a multitude of toy making options presented here. Not only can they be strung together and combined with other material to make a one of a kind toy, but they are also easily added to any of your birds current toys. So bring your feathered friend a taste of the tropics and funnel some of that creativity with any of these three Sola toys.

                             1288 Sola Sticks Without Bark                      1211 Sola Sticks With Bark

1288 Sola Stick Without Bark .     

  • About as all-natural as it gets
  • All bird safe
  • Modify current toys or make your own
  • One of the most versatile toys
  • Soft, chewy, beak pleasers
Bonka Bird Toys