Medium to large birds will have a blast with the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky. It offers chewing, pulling and grabbing fun. Check out the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky.
The 3669 Huge Willy Sticky is a multi-purpose bird toy built with medium to large birds in mind. The attractive and versatile toy has many vibrant and interesting components for your pet to interact with. This exciting toy will provide your beaked pal with many hours of playtime fun!
Starting with the design, there isn’t anything else quite like the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky. At the top, there is a quick-link connector that secures a chain, which runs through wooden spheres, colored wooden chew pieces, a big wood block filled with colorful paper sticks, and two (2) plastic wiffle balls stuffed with sisal rope strands. The lower wiffle ball has two additional chain “legs”, with each one passing through even more wooden balls and chew sticks. At the end of each leg is a shiny silver ring that you can use to add additional components, or maybe even a bell to provide some noisy action for your feathered friend. There are so many possibilities.
There is definitely a lot to take in with the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky, and it really gives your pet many options for playtime. For starters, the wide selection of components are great for chewing. There are hard components like the wooden balls and chew sticks, and softer pieces like the sisal rope stands. This toy will give your avian amigo every opportunity to keep their beak nice and busy. Plus, varied colors found on the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky make this toy super attractive to birds, which is fantastic for encouraging a play session. Birds love bright and vibrant colors, and the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky is perfect in that aspect. It’s brimming with color and excitement!
Your pet can also use the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky for foraging and pulling. The toy is basically a forager’s delight. Birds love to “steal” the colorful sisal rope stands from the plastic wiffle balls, as well as the paper sticks from the wood block. Your beaked pal can gather up these materials and “horde” them as their own. Many birds are quite possessive creatures, and it can be quite funny to watch as your pet “collects” their favorite pieces. Then once all the parts are taken by your pet, you can re-stuff the balls and wood block with new surprises and fun pieces for your feathered friend to find all over again. It’s a fun treasure hunt that you won’t find elsewhere!
Don’t forget about the pulling potential of the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky. Your winged wingman will love to pull the sisal rope pieces out of the balls and grab onto the paper sticks. These parts are also very nice for shredding, and they give your pet the chance to work their feet just as much as their beaks. You might even tie a string around the metal ring at the bottom of one of the toy’s legs. Then your pet can latch on and pull the toy all around for some exercise. This is fantastic for keeping your pet in in-shape, and it’s so much fun to watch them pull the toy all around!
The 3669 Huge Willy Sticky is easily hung using its quick-link attachment. The toy measures (26.5) inches long and (9.5) inches wide. It weighs about (1.5) pounds, or (24) ounces. At its size, the toy is best for medium to large birds. All of the components found on the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky are bird-safe, but you should still supervise your pet while they play to ensure their safety. You can get the 3669 Huge Willy Sticky and other great products from Bonka Bird Toys.
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