The 1285 Huge 10 Bar Ladder is an excellent high quality toy for medium to large sized pet birds. Amazon pet birds truly love this toy. Learn more about the toy here.

The 1285 Huge 10 Bar Ladder features include colorful wooden blocks along the length of the ladder as well as natural wood branches as rungs to climb on. A solid toy for your bird to go across or climb up, as it has 4 quick links that can be hung in any direction. This item is handmade to perfection.


The 1285 Huge 10 Bar Ladder is a large, colorful versatile ladder. The ladder has durable wooden rungs that follow the entire length of the toy. Spacing these rungs out are square, colored, wooden blocks. Sturdy chains string through these blocks keeping them and the rungs in place. The entire toy is bird safe and can be chewed on and interacted with. The 1285 Huge Bar Ladder is a flexible toy and can be bend and twisted in any manner you find. The 4 quick link attachments allow you to mount the ladder in any shape, in any cage. The toy can be mounted in a cage to let your pet climb up and down, or use the toy as a bridge to walk across. All types of birds thoroughly enjoy interacting with this toy, particularly African Greys, Macaws and other large birds.

The 1285 Huge Bar Ladder is 35" Long , 10" Wide. The diameter of the robust ladder rungs is 1" to 1 1/2". The ladder has 4 quick link attachments installed, one on each of the corners. The 1285 Huge 10 Bar Ladder weighs approximately 3 pounds. All of our materials, for any of the toys that we sell, are made with 100% bird safe materials.

  • Colorful, chewable, wooden ladder
  • Can be mounted in any position in any cage
  • 100% bird safe
  • A quick link attachment on each corner for creative mounting
Bonka Bird Toys