2615 Burst Box

$9.99 USD

2615 Burst Box by Bonka Bird Toys

Unlock Hours of Fun and Exploration with the Burst Box!

Product Highlights:

  • Crafted from a simple cardboard take-out box
  • Adorned with natural popsicle sticks, mahogany slices, and leather strands
  • Measures approximately 9 inches high and 5 inches wide
  • Lightweight at just 4 ounces, perfect for any birdcage setup

Shopify Product Description: Introduce your feathered friend to the 2615 Burst Box from Bonka Bird Toys, a creative and engaging toy designed to stimulate your bird's curiosity and natural foraging instincts. This unique toy blends simplicity with a touch of nature, featuring a cardboard take-out box that serves as the base for a variety of playful attachments.

The Burst Box is adorned with natural popsicle sticks and mahogany slices, ideal for pecking and chewing, which helps to keep your bird's beak healthy and active. Leather strands add another layer of texture, giving your bird a satisfying material to tug and pull at, enhancing their physical play.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Textural: Offers a mix of soft and hard materials to engage different senses.
  • Foraging Fun: The cardboard box can be filled with treats or nesting materials to encourage natural foraging behavior.
  • Safe and Natural: Made with bird-safe materials and non-toxic finishes to ensure your pet’s health and well-being.
  • Easy to Install: Comes with a simple hook for quick hanging in any space within your bird’s cage.

Usage Tips: Fill the Burst Box with your bird's favorite snacks or enticing shreddable materials to keep them occupied and mentally stimulated. Regularly change the fillings to keep the toy fresh and interesting, promoting continued interest and interaction.

Perfect for: Bird owners looking to enrich their pet's environment with a toy that offers both mental and physical stimulation. The Burst Box is especially suited for birds that love to shred, chew, and unravel objects, providing endless hours of entertainment.

Elevate your bird’s playtime with the 2615 Burst Box—a delightful mix of textures and challenges that will keep your avian companion engaged and happy!