If your looking for small toys for your bird to just fiddle with while in the cage to eliminate boredom then you have come to the right place. Read more here.
The 1405 Six Neon Lux Balls are a colorful foot and talon toy with a bell inside. The 1196 Plastic Cane Rack Ring are six brightly colored rack rings. Also offered are the 1316 Plastic C Clips Hooks Chain Links which are and durable C-links. These options are all great for bird foot toys.
The 1405 Six Neon Lux Balls 6PK are six durable plastic balls that your feathered friends of all sizes can enjoy tossing around in their cage. The balls come in an array of colors and can also be used for other toy making projects. They measure approximately 1 1/2 inches in diameter.
The 1196 Plastic Cane Rack Rings are a solid plastic body which measure approximately 2 1/2 inches in diameter and can have multiple play uses for beating cage boredom. These are also a great addition for your next craft or bird toy making project. This option is also very durable and long lasting.
The 1316 Plastic C Clips Hooks Chain Links. This selection is your choice of either 50 or 100 pieces of large and durable C-links. They are approximately 1 11/16 inches long by 11/16 inches wide and come in a variety of colors. Here at Bonka Bird Toys we study bird play activities and know exactly what it is that our feathered friends of all sizes need, want, and love to stimulate, energize, and revitalize. These three options help do so as they are all great foot/talon toys. All of our toys here at Bonka Bird Toys are made with 100% bird safe materials.